3. AXUI AppMap

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3.1. AppMap overview

AppMap is a key feature of AXUI, use AppMap smart can make your automation task much easier. Basically, AppMap is to store all changeable UI element features, and provide a consistent AppMap element for use. Thus, AppMap could reduce the scripts mutability, and make script easier for maintenance. This feature also provide a direct solution for internationalization.

We will provide a detail introduce for each part of AppMap below, before that, here provide a sample AppMap containing all parts of AppMap:

<AXUI:app_map xmlns:AXUI="AXUI" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="AXUI AXUI_app_map.xsd">

    <AXUI:variable name="" value="" />

    <AXUI:include name="" path="" />

    <AXUI:func name="" description="">
        <AXUI:step type="" cmd=''/>

    <AXUI:Root_element name=""/>

    <AXUI:UI_element name="" parent="" identifier="" start_func="" stop_func="">
        <AXUI:UI_element name="" identifier="" start_func="">
            <AXUI:UI_element name="" identifier="" />


3.2. AppMap elements

Here we have an introduce for each element in AppMap, AppMap will be checked with a pre-defined schema AXUI/XML/schemas/AXUI_app_map.xsd

3.2.1. root element – AXUI:app_map

AXUI:app_map is the root element of AppMap, it should always be:

<AXUI:app_map xmlns:AXUI="AXUI" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="AXUI AXUI_app_map.xsd">

3.2.2. AXUI:variables

AXUI:variables can include multiple AXUI:variable elements, AXUI:variables has no attributes. AXUI:variable

AXUI:variable element provide a dynamic way to change AppMap contents, currently only support change command line in AXUI:func element

typical usage:

    <AXUI:variable name="AppPath" value='"some_app_path"'/>

    <AXUI:func name="start_some_element" description="">
        <AXUI:step type="CLI" cmd='{AppPath}'/>


    <AXUI:func name="start_some_element" description="">
        <AXUI:step type="CLI" cmd='{AppPath}'/>

#in script
appmap.variables["AppPath"] = "some_app_path"

3.2.3. AXUI:includes

AXUI:includes can include multiple AXUI:include elements, AXUI:includes has no attributes. AXUI:include

AXUI support include other AppMap to use other AppMap definitions by using AXUI:include, this is used when some app is used by other apps, or you want to extend original app UI elements.

typical usage:

    <AXUI:include name="namespace_name" path="included_appmap_name" />

#in script

OR using it as element parent:

    <AXUI:include name="namespace_name" path="included_appmap_name" />

    <AXUI:UI_element name="" parent="namespace_name.element_name" />

3.2.4. AXUI:funcs

AXUI:funcs can include multiple AXUI:func element, AXUI:funcs has no attributes. AXUI:func

AXUI:func can include multiple AXUI:step element, AXUI:func has two attributes “name” and “description”. “name” attribute is to provide an identifier to use this function, this attribute is must have, “description” provide a description for this function, it’s optional.


it’s recommend to use AXUI:func element for UI element start/stop function

not recommend to use AXUI:func to replace python functions AXUI:step

AXUI:step has three attributes: “type”, “cmd”, “app_map”. “type” specifies step type, could be “CLI” for command or “GUI” for UI operation “cmd” specifies the detail executing step, for “CLI” type, it’s a string of command line; for “GUI” type, it’s a string of GUI command just like AXUI command in appmap “app_map” is optional, indicate which AppMap to execute the step

typical usage:

    <AXUI:func name="wmplayer_start_open_dialog" description="">
        <AXUI:step type="CLI" cmd='"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe"'/>
        <AXUI:step type="GUI" cmd="wmplayer_Window.keyboard.Input '^o'"/>

    <AXUI:UI_element name="OpenDialog" parent="" start_func="wmplayer_start_open_dialog"/>

3.2.5. AXUI:UI_elements

AXUI:UI_elements can include multiple AXUI:UI_element \ AXUI:Root_element \ AXUI:UI_element_group elements, AXUI:UI_elements has no attributes. AXUI:Root_element

AXUI:Root_element element represents the enter point of UI automation API, like desktop of windows UIA, web browser of WebDriver.

AXUI:Root_element element can include multiple AXUI:UI_element \ AXUI:UI_element_group elements, element included are treated as children of AXUI:Root_element element.

AXUI:Root_element element has a name attribute as identifier. AXUI:UI_element

AXUI:UI_element element represents the normal UI elements,

AXUI:UI_element element can contain multiple AXUI:UI_element \ AXUI:UI_element_group elements, element included are treated as children of AXUI:UI_element element.

AXUI:UI_element element has six attributes:

- ``name`` attribute, must have, identifier of this element
- ``parent`` attribute, must have for elements of the direct children of ``AXUI:UI_elements``
- ``identifier`` attribute, optional, a string for UI API to find the element, check :ref:`AXUI built-in drivers` for detail identifier format
- ``start_func`` attribute, optional, how to start the element
- ``stop_func`` attribute, optional, how to stop the element
- ``timeout`` attribute, optional, element unique timeout time, will replace global timeout in config file AXUI:UI_element_group

AXUI:UI_element_group element represents the UI element list,

AXUI:UI_element_group element cannot contain any element,

AXUI:UI_element_group element also has six attributes:

- ``name`` attribute, must have, identifier of this element
- ``parent`` attribute, must have for elements of the direct children of ``AXUI:UI_elements``
- ``identifier`` attribute, optional, a string for UI API to find the element, check :ref:`AXUI built-in drivers` for detail identifier format
- ``start_func`` attribute, optional, how to start the element
- ``stop_func`` attribute, optional, how to stop the element
- ``timedelay`` attribute, optional, will find the element group after time specified