7. Appendices

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7.1. Samples

sample codes in AXUI/example, here I give a step by step guide how to launch the examples

7.1.1. windows

My test environment is win8.1 64bit, anyway win8.1 32bit machine is OK. For win7/win8, you may need to change the AppMap, since UI changes for different windows version. Prepare Environment

  1. Install python 2.7
  2. Install setuptools + pip. check python package management
  3. Install comtypes
  4. Install AXUI
  5. Config windows path, add python path (usually c:\python27) to windows path Run the example in example/windows

  1. Modify the config file, check AXUI configurations
  2. Run the script, python wmplayer_wrapper.py

7.1.2. selenium webdriver

My test environment is win8.1 64bit, with chrome browser. Other environment supported by selenium should also be OK. Prepare Environment

  1. Install python 2.7
  2. Install setuptools + pip. check python package management
  3. Install selenium
  4. Install AXUI
  5. Config windows path, add python path (usually c:\python27) to windows path Run the example in example/selenium

  1. Modify the config file, check AXUI configurations
  2. Run the script, python bing.py

7.1.3. appium webdriver Prepare Environment

My test environment is win7 64bit, here is my steps to prepare appium environment.

  1. Install appium, two methods for windows
  1. Install node.js
  2. Install appium, npm install -g appium


  1. Download and install AppiumForWindow from github
  1. Prepare Android develop environment, include SDK and AVD. Check this website for available mirrors for china
  2. Install selenium
  3. Install Appium-Python-Client
  4. Install AXUI Run the example in example/appium

  1. Launch appium server, you need set the Android SDK path for appium server, should not contain white space.
  2. Modify the config file, check AXUI configurations
  3. Run the script, python simple.py, this sample is modified from appium sample code
  4. Check the AVD is act as expected

7.2. ToDo list

  • Multiple languages support, to support internationalization test
  • Define an unified interfaces for different driver UI actions
  • Support for python 3